/Trackfear.es2.es/ presenta: Also Known As (AKA)
Bestie aus dem Totenreich, Die West Germany --------
Beyond the Living Dead (undefined) ---------
Dans les orgies macabres Canada (French title) -------
Dracula the Terror of the Living Dead (undefined) -------
Hanging Woman USA (video box title)----------
Kobieta wiesielec Poland ------
Orgia dei morti, La Italy ------
Orgies macabres, Les France ---
Return of the Zombies (undefined) -----
Terror of the Living Dead USA ---------
The Hanging Women UK (video title) ------
The Orgy of the Dead (undefined)
Totenchor der Knochenmänner, Der West Germany -------
Zombie 3: Return of the Living Dead (undefined) -------
Zombis återkomst Sweden