Hey, this is Joseph Yomtoubian and you are watching FirstAmericanTv.com, Your source for Real Estate and Mortgage News 24/7. The price of your home is what attracts or deters people from being interested in your property. But there are tricks you can do to buyers while keeping the price where you want it. Slim the price a little, we all know that 899,000 is barely less than 900,000 but to the buyer it makes a big difference. Also a round number, such as $695,000, will convey quality, while a precise number, such as $695,385, will indicate a bargain. So try to make it seem more like a bargain and less like a precise number. That's it for nowâ¦.Thanks for watching FirstAmericanTV.com. I'm Joseph Yomtoubian. Check back soon for more tips and real estate news.