When you sign up with Rewards1 use your real info because they will send you your prizes **BUT FAKE STUFF FOR SURVEYS!**
Q. Ok, so what is Rewards1?
A. Rewards1 is a website that encourages you to fill out sponsored surveys for free prizes from the website.
Q. How do I get points?
A. There are two ways to get points. First there are "Offers" you can complete that gives you a certain amount of points per offer depending on the offer. There are 4 different types of offers. * Free - These are the easiest and usually the quickest to do. The only downside is they are typically the lowest paying. * CC-Free, requires credit card - usually pay more but you must be careful to read the terms of the offer as they may charge after the trial period if not cancelled in time. * CC-Pay, requires credit card - are the highest paying offers, but require you to make a purchase. $1=1point