Barack Obama wants your child to speak Spanish, and if he doesn't, you need to worry about it. Mr. Obama, how can you be the president and not even know that English is the language of the United States? If this evil person, Barack Obama, is elected president, then it will be God's judgment on this country for our sins. Sins of killing babies by abortion, sins of allowing sexual perversion to continue, sins of allowing false religions that reject Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation, sins of pornography and sins of sex outside of marriage.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.