I've been getting a lot of emails about people telling me how great the CFG (Capcom Fighters Generation) was so I decided to release this because I love you guys, now don't take that personally lol :)
What this is, is a collection of Beat'em Games, over 70!! All in a single MSI setup file like how CFG was!!
For the commerical I choosed random games to play, so don't think that's it!!
Here is the full list:
64th Street - A Detective Story
Alien vs Predator
Altered Beast
Arabian Fight
Arabian Magic
Battle Circuit
Blade Master
Bucky O' Hare
Burning Fight
Cadilliacs and Dinosaurs
Captain America and the Avengers
Captain Commando
The Combatribes
D.D. Crew
DJ Boy
Double Dragon
Double Dragon 2
Dragon Bowl
Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of Doom
Dynasty Wars
Final Fight
Gaia Crusaders
Gang Wars
Golden Axe
Golden Axe 2
Guardians of the Hood