When you are ready to commit to what is needed contact: playball@usa180.org to get involved
A "Magic Combination of info" has been prepared ESPECIALLY FOR the 80-90% of asleep people that will run for two days straight on a global scale some time within the next 10 days. We need your involvement.
For more information search for the video:
A Global Campaign to SHOW the people they have been misled
Our Goal:
Protecting the free flow of information
-Getting to the 90% of people NOT on the Internet
-FANTASY is 90% of people's reality.
--FANTASY includes CNN.
Give people FREE forums so that they can collaborate with people and take actions around.
Give those forums FREE ADVERTISING
Give media outlets (broadcasters of content with audiences) - FREE/PAID ADVERTISING
Give people discounts through a vendor community
-highest discounts go to the people running the forums.
Put it all in a DAILY VIDEO BLOG. BECOME the source for INFO.