This video includes ALL of the videos that I took during our trip to Guiyang and Shanghai, China.
I just realized that some of the videos are not in order. Also, sorry for the shaky video. My hands are not steady.
Some 20 public high school students were awarded scholarships for the Pacific and Asian Affairs Council's 2008 Summer Study Tour to China and Taiwan. The students and their schools are: Marc Abundo, and Mallory Miner, Kauai; Tien Austin and Alyssa Foo, Kealakehe; Mitch Cadiz, Farrington; Jessica Caraang, Maui; Amber-Tiana DeMarco and Martinea Trippett, Waianae; Richard Gima and Tristan Lopes, Lanai; Liam Graham, Connections; Judy Guo, Annie Tran, and Roger Shiu, Roosevelt; Marcie Kagawa, Aiea; Kawika Keahiolalo, Waiakea; Lin Rui Li and Chelsea Tran, UH Laboratory; Alyssa Nishihira, Waimea; Jennifer Quach and Leigh Ann Tangaro, Campbell; Malakhi Reynolds, Radford.