Major Herb Metoyer,Retired Army Officer, SongWriter,Author. A tribute to Barack Obama in support of 'Change We Can Believe In'. This is the time for starting something new, for healing, for the rich and poor to join hands. My father wrote a song inspired by one of Obama’s talks. New wine needs a new bag, because the old wine is turning to vinegary and adding more wine to it will cause the old bag to burst. When Saturn was formed they make a complete split away from its parent company and its parenting ways. This let them build a new company structure from the bottom up. If you're unable to change; failure a waits you; because that which made you will eventually break you. This nation was built from the top down. The founding fathers did not trust the common layman to run this nation. Alas, times they are a chagin' and the average layman is not so lay or lame anymore. Maybe the time has come to restructure government from the bottom up. This video I talks about this in a manner of speaking.