Operation playball is being launched as we speak on 09/19/2008 at 12:00 AM.
It is to run until justice is served. DAYS, WEEKS, WHATEVER.
We must insure justice is rendered in this case (see next video). If not, trust me we are doomed. If we can expose and get justice in this ONE CASE we may can save this Nation.
Please get this out to every level. Federal, State, Congress, Senate, United Nations, The Hague.
All representatives in ANY government, Global, State, Local, All media, and demand coverage. Secondary media, Newspapers, We are nearing martial law as we feel an economic crisis will be used to justify our election suspension.
So get this out as soon as you get it. Communications may soon be thwarted.
You may join at anytime. The information that is starting to flow, I cannot express to you the importance of this.
You may not see it as critical, it is, and I have not the time to explain it.
If you do not receive our data immediately be patient. It has to go to a lot of ...