This ancient and crumbling castle invokes the troubled maritime and smuggling history of Cornwall. It is said to be built on the site of a Tudor Manor around 1500. The grounds include a large wooded area with ruins that play host to ghost sightings of sailors and monks. This is an atmospheric location that spooks even the hard-bitten, worldy-wise Most Haunted crew. The castle is at the centre of many myths and legends, one of which is that Henry Pengersick was violent man and that back in the 12th Century he killed a monk and wounded a vicar. Another legend is that of an evil man who left his wife while fighting in foreign lands. While on his travels he courted another woman who gave him a magic sword. He returned to his castle to have his wife and young child drowned and to marry yet another woman, this one an evil witch. His other son, who survived, years later rescued a drowning sailor who turned out to be his brother left for dead at sea.