This is my very first AMV OR video I have ever made, and I would have to say it's -- not too shabby! XD
The song it's synced to is "What I've Done" via Linkin Park. I actually originally designed this piece for one reason within the moments of its introductory creation: to create a tribute worthy of being placed on my MySpace page... since the other tributes were so... sucktacular. lol
No offense to ANYONE who's made any tributes though! ^.^' -- I'm just crucial when it comes to favored, dynamic pieces. XD
- By the way, the title I conjured up actually pertains to the title of one of the cuts in my series "The Shadows of Dawn" ~ Which features both Roxas and Riku along with many other characters I spiced up with bonuses and more focus to detail, in which to describe and reveal more about their beings. This cut, in particular, also includes some scenes with Cloud, Vincent, and Yazoo from Final Fantasy VII. Hooray! :D