Visit my site for strength training tips, exercise demos, and workout routines for fitness training, home fitness and more.
joint mobility:
Arm swings, elbow clovers, arm screws, arm waves, thorax clovers, spine circles, tai chi twist, leg infinities.
strength exercises:
squat creep, shin twist, shin roll, shinbox switch, triangle squat, 45 lb clubbell cleans to shoulder park, long leg creep, quad squats, springing tripods, dumbbell swings, elevated scorpion to lateral lunge switch, dragon twisting, sandbag front squats, super slow spinal rock (breathing core/ab exercise), spinal rock variations, alligator walk, 15lb clubbell hammer swings, caterpillar exercise, pistol to spinal rock, leg swoop, walking lunge, double clubbell swipes 15lbers, handstand walking, 100lb heavybag runs at shoulder park, 15lb clubbell mills, 200 lb tractor tire flips, heavy bag runs 2, leg swoop AKA waterglider, clubbell mills 2, pushups, 15lb lateral clubbell swings, keg snatch ...