I have decided to take on a 90 Day Challenge to really work on some key things that might be holding me back from being at my full potential as a person and in business.
Things I am focusing on:
My Health
I am going to start eating veggies! Drink lots of water and excersize 3x a week.
Pray every day. Without my creator, I am nothing so I need his help!
Time Management
Buy a timer and stick to my working hours. Be productive in the time I set for the day
Continue to listen Personal Developement audios, books. At least an hour a day (you can do this in the car).
3 videos / week
This will be a stretch for me because even though I've been online for a while, I just started making videos so make sure to comment and subscribe to my channel. I need the support!
Get rid of clutter
Sell shoes on Ebay, go through closets and make sure I only own what I need and will actually wear:)