how to grind herbs? well, this is the best way to grind herbs for a home personal usage. first you need your herbs, if it is medicinal herbs or smokable herbs like knaster or marijuana and weed, it doesn't matter ; the herbs must be dry though. so now that you got your herbs you will need a herb grinder.Herb Grinders can be found almost everywhere and there is a big variety, here we will use the mix and ball grinder or as they like to say it mix'n'ball.
okay, lets get movin, load the grinder with the herbs, you must pay attention not to over load the herb grinder as it will stuck. another thing which is very important, do not load the female part, if you will do so the herbs will clog the grinder very fast. when you load the grinders in the male part the herbs will be in the pocket and will not get stuck between the grinder parts.
the grinder is now loaded, lets close the lid and start rotating the part to two directions, this will create better results in shorter time ...