"The Spirit" is a classic action-adventure-romance told by genre-twister Frank Miller. It is the story of a former rookie cop who returns mysteriously from the dead as the Spirit to fight crime from the shadows of Central City. His arch-enemy, the Octopus has a different mission: he's going to wipe out Spirit's beloved city as he pursues his own version of immortality. The Spirit tracks this cold-hearted killer from Central City's rundown warehouses, to the damp catacombs, to the windswept waterfront-all the while facing a bevy of beautiful women, who either want to seduce, love or kill our masked crusader. Surrounding him at every turn are Ellen Dolan, the whip-smart girl-next-door; Silken Floss, a punk secretary and frigid vixen; Plaster of Paris, a murderous French nightclub dancer; Lorelei, a phantom siren; and Morgenstern, a sexy young cop. Then of course, there's Sand Sarerf, the jewel thief with dangerous curves. Will he save her or will she kill him? Release Date:02/01/2009