The Coming One World Economy! Is Melt Down & Catastrophe Only the Beginning?
People vote their wallet (not convictions/morals which should keep heart in check!). Elections cry, "The Economy Stupid! Candidate on Letterman-"issues are-Economy! Economy! & Economy!" BUT, 50 MILLION babies killed for economic/selfish desires! Interest-only as far as our own comfort levels! Can you think of a better way to solidify this type of peoples?
The hand writing is on the wall! Economic catastrophe will begin to bring peoples together to form the "New World Order"! Who will Rule? Power of global economy-as the nozzle on a fire hose-can extinguish any nagging problem aims at. Make him(?) a big hero to the world. Who could handle such power?
A being has been pursuing & craving power since before the world was created. He wanted to ascend his throne above God & was cast out (or before Adam's diobedience). This would be his dream come true wouldn't it?
Habakkuk 1:5
Joshua 24:15
10/12/2008 A.D.