Devora Lillian, Somatoform Incarnation - le fantasme de l'esprit de mystère de femme. Dance, motion, spiritu-libertad, availed herself to indulge my camera with her muse - creating streams - image flows - abstracted/married w/atmospheres & metamorphic charms - 4 a transient endeavor - curating single work @ art opening - many artists walking museums. Pas pour moi. Artifact? No. Es Arte Muerto. Vivant avec moi - continual projection - manipulations - needed muse: Devi - an angel. After show - what could remain? Extracted 5 mins of Devi - been replaying Bloodstone from Amon Tobin's inspiration: "Foley Room". Married the 2 - posted @ You Tube - 1 year - i pulled it - made many holes in internet - only video made for song - youtube fuked up encoding - put it here. I - Avi Leidner, videographics, Devora Lillian - Motion/Spirit, Amon Tobin - Composition/rhythmic-tonalisms, Bloodstone - A mineral/gemstone/legend - creating harmony and balance.