This is a compilation illustrating the scientific New World Order dictatorship governed by Lord Rothschild/Queen Beatrix, and David Rockefeller's criminal jack booted Northern Command personal army which was used to threaten the U.S. Congress with physical martial law in America if the so-called bailout bill was not passed. One of their jobs is to protect this globalist crime syndicate who looted 10+ trillion from the retirement accounts in the U.S.A. Northcom's HQ is located in Colorado Springs, CO in a mountain facility. They were directly involved in carrying out the attacks of 9/11 against the Republic of the United States. They have committed high treason besides mass murder, and they must and will one day be held accountable and be judged for their works.
I know their works, I know their minds, and I have laid before you here a glimpse of their evil in such a way that is very damaging and discrediting to them. Knowing your enemy is half the battle.