Safe Thousands of Dollars and Hundreds of Hours on Your House Cleaning Today.
House Cleaning in Vancouver Washington Makes New Strides.
The Vancouver House Cleaning Authority in Vancouver WA, Specializing in residential house cleaning or what is also known as maid or housekeeping service, reports record sales in the midst of poor economic times.
“We’ve been inundated with phone calls from residence looking to free up their time to peruse more profitable ventures to cope with the times.”, says owner John Arenz. Mr. Arenz continues, “Many people are working overtime to cope with loss of coworkers or employees and we are being told daily that family time simply is more important.”
The company specializes in what is known in the industry as “Team Cleaning”, which affords the company to clean a customer’s home with astonishing detail 4 times faster than by conventional methods. This combined with attractive hourly ...