this is easy, all you need to is go on this website and register to the newsletter, once a month they do a lottery and guess what, you can win a free nano herb grinder, it is a minuature grinder that gets into your pocket.
so nice tiny and small this grinder is. it weights only 15 grams which is a little bit over than half an once. the size of it is small but still it can grind those herbs just as good as 100 us$ space case or 50 us$ chromium crusher.
mixnball, the maker of this product uses aluminum raw material to produce this grinder. the idea for miniature grinder was conceived at 2003. they were the first one to makes them. no one had thought the market will adopt this product but i can tell you that it is so cool. i take with me when i club, it is so small no one knows i have it on me. also saw it last summer at reggae concert. i can tell that it is huge on the grinding.. will do enough for a very large hand roll joint. even a blunt it not to big for this herbal ...