In the short film "For the Confetti" NY artist Stephen Mead looks at wedding vows in an historical context, how the words of these vows have changed very little over the course of time. Given the debates over Same Sex Marraige over the past few years, this film, by presenting the vows, asks those opposed to Same Sex Marraige to truly reflect, examine their views in the context of spirituality. When they are seeking to deny others the vows "to have & to hold, to love, cherish & respect" in a loving commitment to another human being, are these opponents coming from a place of knee-jerk reaction or have they truly searched their consciences in order to exactly understand what they seek to deny others? Using music, artwork and a montage of fim footage, "For the Confetti" hopes to go beyond stubborn angry & fearful stances to create an atmophere of open-heartedness which will allow true generoisty of the spirit to lovingly expand, to embrace basic decency and goodness.