With opponents doing their best to knock-out the Bruins from an undefeated season, the NCS Bruins got a rude awakening by the MS Stars. Fortunately, the Bruins woke up on time to answer the bell in the second half by scoring 20 points, one at the very last few seconds of the game. The Thunder & Lightning running combo of Austin and Adam, great runs and catches by Brian, Dax, Ian, Bryant, and Mike, along with awesome defensive stops, clinched First Place atop the tough & mighty CYO Southbay Division. Final Score: 34 - 26! Only two teams stand on the way for this 2008 NCS team to be considered a mythical lore; UNDEFEATED Division Champs! As they take on opponents one by one, their lofty sights focused to win 6 more games in the CYO Playoffs from new comers, one day at a time... A dream of historic proportions that is half way in reach! Go Bruins, YOU CAN DO IT! Learn AND play like Champions!