Made in 1929, Un Chien Andalou (The Andalusian Dog) is regarded as the first film produced purely from within the Surrealist Movement, and a landmark in the history of cinema. Based on an exchange of dreams between Salvador Dali and acclaimed director Luis Buñuel, this tale of unfulfilled desire opens innocently with the words "Once upon a time." What follows is one of the most shocking and celebrated sequences in film history - a razor slashing a woman's eye in extreme close up...
Intended to provoke rather than to please (Bunuel saw it as 'nothing more than a desperate, a passionate appeal to murder'), Un Chien Andalou is a triumph of art and a hysterically dark joy ride whose power to affront the viewer is undiminished after more than three quarters of a century.
Further Information:
Special Features:
-A Slice of Buñuel: a documentary featuring Buñuel's son, Juan-Luis, 16 min
-Epilogue: Buñuel & Dali Bonus Interview, 5 min
-Audio Commentary by ...