Citizen Kate reviews her presidential candidate choices in a Hooter's parking lot before the big Barack Obama rally in Detroit.
I went to Michigan because I heard it was a huge battleground. I wanted to be on the front lines. I figured that it would help me make my final decision on who to vote for.
This is going to be big event with Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden. I know. She's a doctor. Smart ladies marry politicians. I have to say in weighing out all of my options: Barack Obama, John McCain, Bob Barr, Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney, I still haven't made up my mind.
My Uncle Rob offered to help me at the event. I think he wants to see Barack in person. Obama really knows what to say in this time of crisis. Just hearing him makes you feel better.
Note to self: You should take the time to make the best choice for you and your country.