Glenn Bradshaw 910-592-3734
History in the making!Just launched on 10/10/08.
The first and only hybrid residual cash gifting program. This will blow all other cash gifting programs out of the water.
There is a explosion happening as you read this article. Cash Gifting is becoming the opportunity of 2008 and beyond. The question is what promoted the uplift in activity. Why Cash Gifting? It doesn't seem ethical.
Cash Gifting is growing fast because of the community and the experience of the new members. Individuals are finding that the stories and strategies are true. The people that are taking the chance are also finding themselves succeeding.
Cash Gifting is powered by the members of the community. The success is spread around the web. Sinking into the heads of other like minded individuals. This process is sending a wave of supporters.
These supporters are what is fueling the fire. If you are reading this article soon may become ...