中東風情 The Winds of Arabia
01. "The Winds of Arabia" Opening (中東風情 Opening)
02. "Persian Cat" (波斯貓)
03. "I.O.I.O."
04. Talking I
05. "Faraway" (遠方)
06. "Tropical Rainforest" (熱帶雨林)
07. Talking II
08. "Watch Me Shine"
09. "If You're Happy, Then I'll Be Pleased" (你快樂我隨意)
10. "Give Me More" (給我多一點)
江南情懷 Love South of the River
11. "Love South of the River" Intro (江南情懷 Intro)
12. "Ocean of Love" (愛情的海洋)
13. "Belief"
14. "Longing for Each Other" (長相思)
15. "Ten-Sided Ambush" (十面埋伏)
16. Talking III
17. "He Still Doesn't Understand" (他還是不懂)
18. "Where's Love" (愛呢)
19. Talking IV
20. "Heavy Rain" (落大雨)