The story behind this video is simply that Stan (and the other boys) are telling (or singing) a story about Bridan, the 3rd grader who wants to play basketball rather than sing, and that if he tries his best, and works with the rest of the team, he can achieve whatever he wants, and be whoever he wants to be.
Towards the end of the video, there are flashbacks to when Stan gave Bridan examples of when his friends had to work hard to be who they wanted to be (including the Goths, hahah), and when Bridan remembered everything Stan told him about giving it your best and not giving up, he was able to, not only win the big game, but also convince his dad that basketball is in fact not just for pussies.
This is a fan-made music video. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED to the South Park and High School Musical crew. No copyright infringement intended.