From the feature documentary film SINS OF COMMISSION. . Kathleen Kenny wanted to build a small 600 square foot home in Topanga Canyon, California 4 miles from the coast. Nevertheless, Topanga Canyon is in the Costal Zone under the jurisdiction of the California Coastal Commission. When she refused to pay an Los Angeles COuntry building inspector a bribe, she was turned into The CCC. Indignant, she stood up against a fleet of government lawyers, a deputy attorney general, and all of the might, resources, and power of the state of California and did what no one else had done. She filed a RICO lawsuit (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) against the County of Los Angeles...and won! But, as Kathy tells it, a deputy district attorney took it upon himself, or maybe got instructions from on high, to order the presiding judge in her case to over turn her verdict.