Daily Grommet would like to help support the Grey 2K USA charity, a rescue organization founded to help greyhounds - we'd like to help this charity get the attention it deserves so that these greyhound race-track dogs can find the homes they deserve. At the dog track, these beautiful greyhound dogs often experience stress injuries like bone fractures and soft tissue tears. They live in warehouse-style kennels, confined for long hours each day in cages barely large enough for them to stand up or turn around. And every year, as many as 8,500 dogs are killed when they are no longer able to compete. The members of the Grey 2K USA charity help advocate for stronger dog protection laws and hope to close down existing greyhound racetracks. It's a charity we hope others will help with donations, volunteering or even adoption for the tens of thousands of dogs in need of homes. Find out how you can help this charity and others at http://www.dailygrommet.com