This music vid features action sequences from a whole lot of our favorite movies set to a whole lot of fun music clips. Movies & music in order of appearance:
T2, LOtR3, Die Hard, Hot Fuzz, Dark Knight, Sin City, Star Wars IV, Princess Bride, Matrix, Batman Begins, V for Vendetta, Casino Royale, Indiana Jones Last Crusade, Braveheart, LotR1, Serenity, X2, LotR2 , Independence Day, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mask of Zorro, Adventures of Robin Hood, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Island, Fifth Element, Jackie Chan's First Strike, Demolition Man, Office Space, Mission Impossible, The Rock, Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves, Empire Strikes Back, Willow, Die Hard 3
Music: Final Fantasy X Sndtrk-Otherworld, Requiem for a Dream Sndtrk, White Zombie - More Human than Human, Pirates Sndtrk, Rob Zombie - Dragula, Mortal Kombat Sndtrk, Mission Impossible Sndtrk, Final Fantasy 8 - Vinos Lusec, William Tell Overture - Finale.