http://www.blingdome.comWith millions of cell phone users that text message each day, This is a critical area of marketing that hasn't been reached yet. If you are like most people advertising on the internet just doesn't seem to work. All sorts of advertising is thrown your face while on the internet. So your advertisements aren't going to stand out from the millions of others doing the same. Thanks to Auto Text Mailer, we now have an easy solution to give your business the exposure it deserves! By using Auto Text Mailer, users will be able to send 1000's of text message right to potential customers instantly! So what are you waiting for? Get Auto Text Mailer now and get started making your business stand out!
We have put together an awesome tool here. This software will log in to multiple email accounts that you have and will send 500 text messages one account then sign on to the next and send 500 more! The reason for it only sending 500 per email account is because email services such as gmail, yahoo, ...