Monavie offers people the opportunity to start their very own business from the comforts of their home. The opportunity consists of marketing and selling their products through the network marketing. Monavie is definitely not a scam. Monavie is not easy to market when people learn how expensive it is to join. Why would you spend so much to get started with Monavie and pay over $100 / month in products, when you can join a business for free and only spend $19.95 on 1 product and have the opportunity to make a substantial residual income? Watch this video and you will see how powerful the GBG opportunity is compared to other home based businesses. Pay less out of pocket and put more in your pocket with GBG. If you already have a home business, what happens to those people that can't afford your business? Do they move on and you never hear from them again? With GBG, you can offer a business that everyone can afford! best home based business easy home based business free ...