››Finished! ^o^ This is what i'm only doin, noooooo more! @.@ This vid was nearly teh death of meh! But i did! :D Cause mostly everyone wanted ta see this on ^__^ especially kasumiXvamp :3 Thankiez for all your support! x3 Suki yo! x] Enjoyz Everyone :]
●KasumiXvamp Since you wanted et donez x3
●My Onee-sama! ^o^ (AnnaKyraAlex)
●My Sisuness :] (xReaperxOfxCards)
●My sis ^-^ (JackxNatalie)
●.EVERYONE!! ^o^ I love all ya guyz :] You all rockz x]
Artist: DHT
Song: Listen to your heart
Anime: Vampire Knight
Couple: ZeroxYuki
Programs used: SV 9.0