As a Boulder Realtor who’s interested in spreading the word when I learn about great businesses in our area, I felt compelled to start with a profile of VaST architecture. Architect Joseph Vigil and Designer Brandy LeMae invited me to their own home as a start in our first video profile of their work.
I thought what better place to begin than to share with you the kind of work they do than their own home? There are many very specific details in this home that come into play. Some choices are aesthetic, some are functional.
The crew at VaST likes to call what they do high-performance architecture and green design. I think that’s a great way to summarize their work and their focus.
One of the first aspects of their work that makes sense to me for us to explore is style. Their work has been called modern, sometimes contemporary, and even eclectic. If you explore their work a little bit, you’ll likely notice evidence of ...