Written and directed by Lee Han, Yeonae Soseol (Lover's Concerto) explores the occasionally overlapping boundaries between love and friendship. When Lee Ji-hwan (Cha Tae-hyun) receives a series of strange photographs in the mail, he is reminded of meeting two teenage girls five years beforehand. He had initially fallen for Shim Su-in, but his advances were rejected. Relatively unphased, he remained friends with Su-in and her friend Kim Gyeong-heui (Lee Eun-ju) for the rest of the summer holiday. Eventually, Ji-hwan and Gyeong-heui developed feelings for one another, but both were reluctant to admit it. Through flashback and the listening ears of Ji-hwan's friend Cheol-hyeon (Park Young-woo), the young man struggles to define the former trio's complicated relationship. ~ Tracie Cooper, All Movie Guide