It took me a long time to actually begin recording this. Around the time I created the channel, I was feeling terrible and couldn't record properly because I was coughing uncontrollably, for most of the day at least. I've played this world over and over again, starting over when I made embarrassing mistakes or died one too many times. Once, I played this world near perfectly, but for whatever reason, I didn't keep the key needed to unlock the path to the 8th world, so I had to, once again, start over. Days later, I finally muster enough strength to play again. I got sick of trying to be perfect, so I just went with this recording, which, to be honest, isn't that bad, especially considering the fact that Mario Adventure is a great deal more difficult than the game it was based off of.
By the way, even though I don't actually have to, I'm going through all of the worlds in numerical order.