We’ve got a three quarter inch barbed elbow screwed into our head and then we just install that into the end of the Funny Pipe, place it in the trench at ground level and then secure it with a little soil. You don’t want to cover up your trenches quite yet at this point, but you do want to secure your head so you can test the system. And you can always cut a little extra of the flex pipe or as we call it, Funny Pipe, off if you need to adjust where the head is exactly.
Each one of these has a certain gallon per minute indicator. This one says 2.0 on it. They also have like a 2.0 low which will have 2.0A which means it just shoots lower. We don’t want those. You want to put a 2.0 on this head.
On this particular type of rotor you have a tool that you can stick down in the rotor, turn it sideways and it helps you pull the rotor out. And then you put your proper nozzle and get it lined up. This particular screw has a screw in here that tightens it and needs to be loosened up ...