22-day Israeli offensive against Hamas in Gaza with the defense of ðzzettin El Kassam Brigade headquarters was open to the TV 24. That ghost warriors ...
Fatih Er 24 Correspondent in Gaza met with ðzzettin El-Kassam Brigades.
'Ghost savaà ?cñlar' is known as a television figure much more than an explanation of the Israeli army soldiers were killed when it says will run the individual images.
University degree with the support of Turkey due to the group commander announced olduklarñnñda happy.
Then the ghost warriors DEFENSE THAT Gaza;
22 gun suren Israil saldirilari karsisinda Gazze'yi savunan Hamas'in Izzettin El Kassam Tugaylari karargahini 24 TV'ye acti. Iste hayalet savascilar...
24 Muhabiri Fatih Er Gazze’de Izzettin El-Kassam Tugaylari ile gorustu.
‘Hayalet savascilar’ olarak bilinen direnisciler Israil Ordusunun acikladigi rakamdan cok daha fazla asker oldurduklerini zamani geldiginde goruntulerin tek tek yayinlanacagini soyluyor.