I really don't have much to say about this playthrough other than how I did really well in some areas, goofed around in others (especially in the second stage), and did just plain terrible in a few levels, especially the last. I'm really ashamed of that... Not only did I die more than once (at least, I think I did; it's sad I can't remember since I just played it less than an hour ago), I had to use a Wand and still managed to lose everything in the end. But hey, I made it out alive in the end! Wendy O. Koopa was never an easy boss for me to fight in the original game, so I it's no surprise that I did poorly when fighting her. Oh, and before I was about to fight her, I kept hitting the B button since I was trying to use my Kuribo's shoe, but failed at bringing it out over and over again which only made it look like I was goofing off, so I apologize for that.