(770) 995-0029
In a world where events are getting more disturbing, economies are fluctuating on a scale never known before, a person might ask where he is to turn at this point. What works, in a world where nothing seems seems sure?
Truth be told, nothing works quite as well as it's supposed to, unless you have Jesus in your life. When you put your trust in Jesus, storms are sure to come, but as He increasingly becomes your stronghold, rainbows are sure to greet you at the end of the rain.
It was said in the Bible that Jesus (in the character of the master) actually commended a shrewd manager in Luke 16:8. It doesn't mean that he commends double-dealings, he actually just admired the fact that the guy in that parable had been resourceful.
How does this apply to you? As you believe that God is going to prosper you, ask Him to open your eyes to recognize the great opportunities that are set to come your way.
MOR Vacations is one such opportunity that you may want to ...