FREE Online Training- At Home With ShellyB, The Rat Race Rebel!
ShellyB, The Rat Race Rebel invites you into her home for an interactive video conference series. Topics will include but are not limited to internet marketing, network marketing, social medai, basically Life, The Universe and Everything! (yes Doug Adams is welcome but not expected... ;) It's a question and answer session of sorts where the audience has a chance to ask AND answer questions that come up.
This is one of the benefits of belonging to The Rec-Room FREE internet marketing training ...
So peek at this short video then come on over to The Rec-Room for more great internet marketing strategies!
Hi There Im Shelly Begarowicz, The Rat Race Rebel, and Im having a BLAST working from home building my internet business.
If youre wanting to build an online business but dont know where to start, or if you're struggling with your own ...