Bernardo Provenzano runs for office. During the last Italian elections (April-May 2006), the Mafia Boss creates 'Great Italian Family', a political party besides right and left wings, and he goes around the streets of Palermo, Naples and Turin spreading his revolutionary speach. The mise en scene of the fake electoral campaign, is the starting point of this documentary, which tries to dig deeper into the perception of the Mafia phenomenon today. In the last few years, the Mafia's image acquired new shapes. Along with the blood and the political intrigues, the Mafia's image has been represented in a way that celebrates its power and its economical success. Various sector of marketing have identified the potential of this new image, launching a line of products based on this 'made in mafia' mania. The fake campaign uses this new Mafia's image in order to analize it under different aspects: the reaction of the various citizens to the passage of the electoral car; the mass-media coverage to the fake campaign; the interviews to some fashion designers who launched new 'made in mafia' dress lines; a cd-trilogy which had a big success just thanks its promotional campaign, that presented it as 'mafia music'; a reality show based on the family of John Gotti, one of the most famous New York's mafia boss. This movie offers a reflection upon the contemporary condition of Mafia's image. An image not only disconnected by reality; but so attractive to appear as an armless, almost suggestable aspect of contemporary society.