Perhaps a failed attempt at something new, I lay off the thriller First Person Shooters and go for an old RPG on the Playstation console that I have never played before called Valkyrie Profile. Unfortunately, this "game" proves to have the longest introduction to the story that I have ever seen. Coupled with terrible voice acting, it was a chore to sit through, which I did only to give the game a fair chance. It was, however, much funnier to watch the video while I was editing it for interruptions, so hopefully you will find my utter exasperation of the situation and ultimate loss of sanity by the end of the video a means to your own entertainment. It's okay if you laugh at me and not with me, I promise.
Like I said in the video, RPGs are my favorite genre of game, despite the number or action games and FPSs I play. But after this game, I feel I will say from now on that GOOD RPGs are my favorite genre of game.