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LYRICS (from Vince Offer):
Hi, it’s Vince with ShamWow.
You’ll be saying wow
every time you use this towel.
It’s like a chamois! It’s like a towel!
It’s like a sponge.
A regular towel doesn’t work wet - this works wet or dry.
This is for the house, the car, the boat, the RV!
ShamWow holds twenty times its weight in liquid. Look at this!
It just does the work!
Why do you want to work twice as hard?
Doesn’t drip, doesn’t make a mess.
Wring it out, you wash it in the washing machine.
Made in Germany, you know the Germans always make good stuff.
You can cut it in half, use one as a bath mat, drain your dishes with the other one.
Use one as a towel.
Olympic divers, they use it as a towel.
Look at that! Completely dry!
Put a wet sweater, roll it up, it dries your sweaters. Here’s some cola, ...