Remarkably, our indefatigable fight director Michael Donahue did this extraordinary full body burn stunt in front of thousands of people night after night without incident. I've been told that most stunt persons are way too careful and/or superstitious to do a burn over and over. But Michael, a family man and father, quickly volunteered, because, as he put it, he wanted to test himself. Michael found out that the rigors of performing the burn again and again, particularly the two hour prep period covered in 40 degree gel where he dangled on the edge of hypothermia, were as much a serious psychological test as a physical one. Today I still give him an A+ in all subjects. Our arena was a former roller coaster site at one end of beautiful, waterfall-filled grounds which we jousted in during the Pocono Ren Faire, and used for this midnight conflagration spectacle during Poe's Haunted Village. Once again we were trying to push the envelope of interactive themed festival theatre, past the common to the exceptional, and thanks to many special people, in this instance we succeeded.