Today is a big product refresh from Apple. They've updated iMacs, the Mac Mini and the Mac Pro. Very little has changed on the outside of any of the machines. It's all about faster, better more effecient performance. The Mac Pro internal system architecture has been re-designed to make upgrades even easier. Out of everything that's changed, I'm most excited about the new Airport Extreme. It now simultaneously and separately supports 2.4GHz data Wi-Fi AND 5GHz Wi-Fi. That means your need for speed on your computer isn't throttled by all the 2.4GHz wireless devices you have in your house. The new Extreme also supports up to 50 users and guests can be on a different network to keep data on your network secure. On today's Brief, I talked about being short-listed for the Best Job in the World contest. Winning would mean Neal and I would move to an Island in the Great Barrier Reef from July to December 2009. The whole thing is a marketing campaign by Tourism Queensland so my duty would be to share my ...