A lot of times, generating leads online is said to be extremely expensive. However, it doesn't have to be that way! We do a combination of paid advertising online, and of free advertising. But, we do know how my marketers to only use lead generation tactics that are free. There are a lot of ways to create leads online for free, but some are more popular than others.
Take for example social networking sites like and These sites allow you to meet new people from all over the world; therefore, you're able to market your business to these people for free. So, how do you decide who would be a good prospect for your business and who wouldn't? We have a friend adding program that we use to find our new friends. You can pick specific things about your people you want to add is your friends, and the friend adder will only add those people. For example, you can add only females or only males, you can add people interested in network marketing
, you can add ...