Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Gerald Minniti performs both an upper and lower blephaplasty & Chin Augmentation procedure on male patient who's eyes always looked tired and sleepy. This is Brennan's story....
Male blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) reduces the visible effects of aging by improving the appearance of saggy eyelids and puffiness underneath the eyes. The procedure can also correct vision impairment caused by overhanging folds of skin on the upper eyelids. Eyelid surgery can make your eyes look younger and more alert while providing you with enhanced self-esteem and confidence in your appearance.
The ideal male profile is one that possesses a strong balance of facial features - including a well defined chin and jaw line. A “weak chin” or small chin detracts from this balance and is quickly corrected with the placement of a specially designed implant.
Dr. Gerald Minniti, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon serving Beverly Hills, treats his patients with ...