Copyright 2009 by T. Chase. A Book of Revelation Bible Prophecy forecast on the United States and world. Will the Four Horsemen of the Apocalyse of the Bible Book of Revelation ride: economic depression, war, death and disease, in 2009 - 2010. The second horseman war rode hard in the last century and is riding today also. The third horseman a black horse economic disaster started riding hard with the October 2008 stock market crash, and is riding harder as the United States and the world are in a worsening recession, and the concern is that a world economic depression could result. The Fourth Horseman Death is usuaully associated with disease, for example HIV and AIDS. Hell rides with Death. From the web site, for more on this see (Revelation 13: Prophecies of the Future, Astrology, Nostradamus, Bible Prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code).