Macrolane is a smooth, clear, non-animal based hyaluronic acid gel produced by Q-med â the world leaders in the manufacturing of the facial dermal fillers, Restylane and Restylane Perlane.The serum is injected deep into the breast tissue. It adds volume and gives a smooth appearance with no lumps or bumps.It is a genuine walk in, walk out procedure that takes between 1-2 hours. Macrolane is intended to last between 12 and 18 months and each individual treatment programme will include a yearly top-up as required to maintain optimal treatment results. Studies indicate the procedure is completely harmless-unless you're allergic to the acid used in the serum. But Macrolane is so new that women who receive the treatment will be monitored in ongoing clinical studies. For more information visit: Telephone:+44(0)2072335172